

Estimated prices by project size

Small (S)

Small projects includes: Static website, with small or less CSS and or Javascript.

1-3 months

550 euros*

Medium (M)

Medium projects includes: Content Management System and advanced CSS and or Javascript.

1-6 months

1650 euros*

Large (L)

Large projects includes: Content Management System and or E-commerce site and advanced and or custom CSS and Javascript.

6-12 months

3300 euros*

The prices and time you see above, are estimates, so they may vary.


Our salary wish is around, 15-30 euros/hour, but it's always negotiable.

When our office was still in Turku, it was easy for you to come and visit our office. Now that our office is in the country side, it is easier for us to come to you for computer matters. On the housecalls, we charge you for 6 euros per housecall, so basically this is only for the bus tickets. The housecalls are available on the Föli area.

It's obvious, but for every assignment we do need a contract, what have been agreed upon. This is for avoiding misunderstandings.

We have outsourced our paper and tax matters to

*The prices doesn't include VAT (25.5 %).